Muscle Relief

Hey guys! So I wanted to share with you the stuff that I use when I've been totally stressed out of my mind or when I have muscle aches and pains, this stuff is amazing and can be easily purchased through a doTerra consultant. This magical potion is the doTerra deep blue rub, this essential oil blend is an intensive treatment which helps alleviate those sore muscles or if you're like me who worries to much this can help create relief from those terrible tension head aches.

Lucky for me, Shawn, my fiancé, is kind enough to understand when I've had a long stressful day at work or when I've pulled a muscle from not stretching well enough to provide immediate relief of rubbing this cream onto those sore areas. This essential oil blend is highly concentrated so a little goes a long way. I prefer to start out with a small nickel size and massage it into the skin, if needed add more.

In order to see progress in any of your daily life activities whether it's progress in school, your job, or even in your fitness journey you ultimately need to take care of your body. This cream has made my life more manageable when running from task to task. Ultimately remember that how we treat our bodies from the inside is a reflection of what we will be on the outside.

With love,


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