We Are Powerful Beyond Measure

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

This quote was sent to me this morning when I was having doubts about being who I am and about starting this blog. I came home crying last night due to the fact that I'm in a rough time in my life and I'm not afraid to speak about it. After finally feeling like I had found my passion when I graduated from Cosmetology school two years ago and had landed a job at a successful salon as my own business owner but I wasn't happy, I wasn't doing the work I felt like I was supposed to be doing. So after a night out with a couple of friends having drinks, all of a sudden it hit me, I was going back to school. I wanted to finish my degree to show my future kids that education is very important and I still feel that way today. I enrolled myself back into classes and got a job doing social work but yet I found myself unhappy again. I still wasn't doing the work I wanted to do. I prayed and I begged for months about what I should be doing and I finally feel like God has answered my prayers. I believe I'm set out to spread the word of positivity to women or men, if they find this information helpful, about being confident in the skin you're in. I want to advocate for women to show them yes social media is a great place to show beauty tips, fitness tips, etc but sometimes they make us feel almost inadequate that we aren't skinny enough or pretty enough or whatever they might make you feel. So I promise if I post a really pretty photo it's probably that it took me 1,000 times to take it and it's overly photoshopped. haha. I want to be as real as possible and to show my insecurities as a women and that it's ok to feel this way but to take steps in doing self-care as in getting your hair or nails done, going for a walk/run, or whatever it may be to make yourself feel amazing. I don't believe I'm the most beautiful woman in the world, I don't believe I have the best advice, I don't believe I'm the fittest woman in the world but I do believe I have a message I can give to others from the unfortunate shit I've been through. 

So here I am at another fork in the road of where to go. I hope my stories and blog posts help someone out there. If I can help at least one person then I am doing exactly what I was set out to do. I decided to take a risk, some people may think I'm crazy but I believe in myself and that's all that matters, so whoever may be reading this I encourage you to take the risk you've been meaning to do but have been to scared to do it. We're in this together! 

With Love, 


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